Daily Archives: December 6, 2006

Keeping Warm

The mercury has plunged to drastically low levels lately. Winter is finally here! I can wear my trench coat again, haha. My sister is already having fun with her first winter and has been quite taken with her new “kinky boots.” (Peace, Lai!) Winter is definitely one of the best seasons to be fashionable. How I wish I could also wear kinky boots to work (yeah right).

Winter clothes have relatively high price tags, though. Not unless you buy them sometime in February, because that would be the time when the stores are desperately trying to get rid of their old stocks in time for the new spring collection. But oh, wouldn’t it be so cool to pull off a Trinity look-alike, inspired by the movie, The Matrix? How many times a year can you do that, anyway? 😛

At home, we are trying our best to keep warm. Lucky for us, we have a propane gas heater that’s really quite efficient in heating up a large room like ours. Unfortunately, we don’t have any heaters installed in the bathroom area, so every time we get out of the shower, it’s like entering the freakin’ frigid zone.

I call this the V-cut futon! Hehehe.

As for the bedroom, well, there’s the usual futon – quite efficient in keeping the warmth in, but is also quite bulky. And don’t you just hate it when the cold air manages to creep into those areas where it doesn’t quite bend around the contours of your neck? Some futons actually have extra flaps which are thin enough to bend and thus “close the gap.” And then there’s the V-shape futon, which has a cut in the middle, allowing you to expose your head in between. It really looks funny, but I bet it does a good job in keeping you warm in bed. Here’s the site which sells one of those. They even have a name for it, “Attaka-boa.” Attaka = short for atatakai, or warm. Boa = bore? boa (as in boa constrictor)? boar? I couldn’t figure it out. Somebody enlighten me please. Another word for synthetic wool, perhaps?

And if that still won’t do the trick, well, I’m afraid your only other strategy is to snuggle up to a heat source (read: another human being). Keep warm! 8)