Daily Archives: December 4, 2006

Off to Singapore

Baggy, that is. We’re not going with him. He actually didn’t think that he would be needed in this particular trip, not until late last month. One of those last-minute trips. Besides that, we had visited Singapore just last year, so this is a trip that we can pass off. Now why don’t they just organize meetings somewhere in Hawaii or Bali, for a change? Heck, why not even Boracay? We could use a free ticket home. 😛


Seriously, we’ll be missing the Christmas celebration in Pinas this year. We have decided to put off our homecoming until sometime early next year, just so we can avoid the travel season and the sky-high expenses that inevitably go with it. Sometimes it just seems too extravagant to go home in December, when the fares are more than twice their usual prices during off-season. I know, I wrote before that you can’t really put a price tag on spending vacation with your family and loved ones. But hey, I am not saying that we’re skipping on going home entirely. Hopefully we can go home sometime in March or April, right, Sister? 🙂